Hands-On: Microsoft Azure ML Studio
Let's get to the Overview of this post, In this Post we're gonna make a
Flight's Delay Prediction Model in the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio...
- A Laptop/ Desktop
- Active Internet Connection XD
- Recommended: A Microsoft Outlook Account- To create one, Visit HERE
We'll be making the prediction model in two steps:
- Preparing the Data for the Model
- Actually making the Model
Visit: studio.azureml.net
After clicking on the Sign-up button a pop-up will show up, feel free to opt for an 8-Hour Trial, and but I would say just stick to your Microsoft Account...
Else just Sign in with your Microsoft Account...
Part-1 Preparing the Flight- Data for the Model
As the Delay of the Flights majorly on the Whether Conditions, so we'll include that one too...
Let's first get to the Flight data straight ahead.
- Now after signing in to the Azure ML Studio, Click on the New Button [at the bottom left corner of the page]
- Select Blank Experiment
- After creating a blank experiment, Follow along with the Given Video Link
- After following the Video, We've successfully created a Model that can Predict Flight Delays with an Accuracy of ~83%...
Thanks you for staying tuned. Appreciate your patience...
The pipeline is a way to connect various things together to perform a collective operation. As per machine learning service providers , this technology is one of the amazing concepts of AI and machine learning.