For reference to the previous post, please refer to this link : Connecting-to-our-Database Now let's head to the package that we added config in the npm install command, what it does is that it will look for default.json the file inside config (folder) which we created earlier that will consist of the global variables for our project. Now let's open that default.json file and place the below snippet in it: { "mongoURI": "<ConnectionStringHere>" } We'll replace the Connection String from the cluster's string from our Atlas Account (if you still don't have an account, click here to create one) After Logging in to the Atlas, create a free Cluster and add a database user in it Now use the below code in the db.js the file inside the config (folder): const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const config = require('config'); // Grab the Connection string URL from the default.json file const db = confi...
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